Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sinister Wisdom 74: Latina Lesbians

March 14, 2009 Bird & Beckett Books, San Francisco, CA

Sinister Wisdom 74: Latina Lesbians (2008)
Reading and Celebration

“This issue of Sinister Wisdom is dedicated to: the memory of all the Latina lesbians who have come before us; incarcerated women, who comprise a third of Sinister Wisdom’s readership; and those who, inside or outside the closet, continue to struggle around the world for our voices to be heard and our rights respected. It brings together the worlds of 76 women born in 12 Latin American countries and the U.S.”

“Este ejemplar de Sinister Wisdom está dedicado a la memoria de todas las lesbianas latinas que nos han precedido, las mujeres encarceladas que componen una tercera parte de las lectoras de Sinister Wisdom, y a aquellas que, desde dentro y fuera del armario (closet), continúan luchando en el mundo para que nuestras voces sean escuchadas y nuestros derechos, respetados. Este ejemplar de Sinister Wisdom reune las voces de 76 mujeres nacidas en 12 países latinoamericanos y Estados Unidos.”

Guest Editor/Editora Invitada: Juanita Ramos


JUANITA RAMOS: Editor, award winning Boricua educator y feminista

LEA ARELLANO-La Chola Priest: Creative Arts performer sin igual

PATRICIA CONTRERAS FLORES: Youth worker, poet, Latina dancer

LUCY MARRERO: Technical writer, student, mother & luchadora

AVOTCJA: ¡Doing the Afro/Indígena/Spanglsh thing hasta el hueso!

RENÉE DEL LA ARAÑA: Counselor, lecturer Raza Studies SFSU

JANETTE ÁLVAREZ: Xicana lesbian feminist & grad student

MAYA CHINCHILLA: Poet, educator, scholar, director, & filmmaker

ZEMAYA MARTÍNEZ: Curandera, poet, storyteller, filmmaker, educator

CATHY ARELLANO: San Francisco Mission District poet & educator

SOAD GRAYEB: Poeta, orgullosa madre y luchadora por sus ideales

GRISELDA SUAREZ: Xicana lesbian writer, artist & teacher

MATÚ & SISTA DRUM-Matú Feliciano: Conguera, composer, poet, the Bay Area’s Borincana/Garífuna reincarnation of Olatunji. Sista Drum is made up of her students & members of the legendary Sista Drum

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